Committee Members

Dr. Chew Khong Yik

Position Title: Consultant

Professional Qualification: MBBS (S’pore), MRCS (Edin), Mmed (Surg), FAMS (Plast Surg)

Institution / Department: Singapore General Hospital (SGH)

Dr. Chew obtained his medical qualification from NUS in 2002 and started working under SingHealth Pte Ltd since 2012. He was inspired to pursue a surgical career in head and neck cancer during his housemanship. He chose cancer reconstruction due to the challenges in this field for his surgical training. He pursued further training as a Microsurgery Fellow in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan where he learned advanced skills and gathered much experience in handling complex cases.

Dr. Chew helps in the formation of the Singhealth-Duke-NUS Disease Centre (SDDC) for Head and Neck as well as the Liver Transplant SDDC. Dr. Chew emphasizes training and education as the cornerstone in the improvement of clinical excellence. He takes a personal interest in residency teaching and is actively pursuing research in plastic surgery, wound healing, burns, reconstructive microsurgery and basic science in transplant immunology.

Dr. Sivagame Maniya

Position Title: Advanced Practice Nurse

Institution / Department: Sengkang General Hospital / Advanced Clinical & Specialty Nursing

Ms. Sivagame Maniya is an Advanced Practice Nurse in vascular specialty for 18 years and heads a nurse-led collaborative leg ulcer clinic. She received her Doctorate in Nursing from Duke School of Nursing, USA. She attained her International Interdisciplinary Wound Care Course Accreditation from University of Toronto and Post-Graduate certificate in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing from Curtin University. She is a member of World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET) and European Wound Management Association.

Ms. Siva has a keen interest in leg ulcers and maggot therapy and is a committee member for Guideline Development Group Venous Leg Ulcer Advisory Panel for the Australian Wound Management Association and Small Working Group member for International Pressure Injury Guideline (2019).

Mr. Manfred Mak

Position Title: Senior Principal Podiatrist

Professional Qualification: BSc(Hons), MPH, FFPM RCPS (Glasg)

Institution / Department: Singapore General Hospital

Mr. Manfred Mak is a Senior Principal Podiatrist at Singapore General Hospital. He previously held the position of Head, Podiatry at Singapore General Hospital for 5 years before stepping down. Manfred was awarded the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) Overseas Scholarship in 2006, graduated with First Class Honours in Podiatry from the University of Southampton and holds a Masters’ degree in Public Health from National University of Singapore. He was also awarded a Fellow of Faculty of Podiatric Medicine from the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Glasgow.

Manfred completed his Health Manpower Development Plan in 2013, with Professor David G. Armstrong, a renowned Podiatric Surgeon, at the Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance, University of Arizona Medical Centre, USA. He is active in research and his area of interest is in preventing and managing diabetic foot complications and limb salvage.

Ms. Nanthakumahrie D/O Gunasegaran

Position Title: Nurse Clinician (Vice-Secretary)

Institution / Department: Singapore General Hospital / Nursing Research

Ms. Nanthakumahrie has 17 years of experience as a nurse. After being as a ward Nurse Clinician, she has moved to Nursing Research to embark on a new role and learn to merge clinical practices with scientific evident findings. She has keen interest in wound care and is a certified Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurse. She was a resource person and ward wound care champion. She also actively participates in SingHealth inaugural ‘Stop Pressure Injury’ day contributing extensively to the Pressure Injury Booth. She is one of the trainers in SGH Wound Management Course and covers Pressure Injuries and Incontinence Associated Dermatitis Topics. Currently, she is doing wound care related research projects.

Ms. Chang Yee Yee

Credential: WOCN

Position Title: Nurse Clinician

Professional Qualification: Master of Nursing

Institution / Department: Dover Park Hospice

Ms. Chang Yee Yee has attained her Master of Nursing In Western Australia and published her thesis title “Prevalence skin tears in an acute care setting in Singapore “. She shows great interest on wound management, pressure injuries, skin tears, surgical dehiscence wound, as well as head and neck wounds. She attained Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing) from Curtin University in 2012. She teaches actively in wound-related courses to nurses, allied health professionals. She is also appointed as the Secretary for Wound Healing Society of Singapore (WHSS). She had participated in the 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guideline development as a Guideline Governance Group Member.

Ms. Goh Boon Ai Susie

Position Title: Wound Clinician

Professional Qualification: Post Graduate Certificate in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair

Institution / Department: St Luke’s

Ms. Susie Goh has attained her Stoma Care and Continence Management Certificate in 1993, Singapore, Wound Management Certificate at University of South Australia, Faculty of Nursing, 1997 and Post Graduate Certificate in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair, Cardiff University in 2005. She has a deep passion and interest in wound care, particularly in the management of skin tear, pressure injury, vascular ulcers and ostomy care.

Ms. Susie chair the Pressure Injury Committee for the ILTC sector. She has taught in several wound courses for nurses and has conducted wound care related workshops. She has been a committee member for the Wound Healing Society of Singapore since October 1999.

Dr. Kalpana Vijaykumar
(Committee Member)

Position Title: Associate Consultant

Institution / Department: Sengkang General Hospital / Vascular Service

Kalpana is currently an Associate Consultant with Sengkang General Hospital Vascular Service. She is part of a team involved in limb salvage and is experienced in managing complicated wound care. She is passionate about what she does and continues to strive for excellence.

Ms. Wang Chun Mei
(Committee Member)

Position Title: Clinician / Advanced Practice Nurse

Institution / Department: Changi General Hospital

My areas of interests are in wound care, vascular and geriatric nursing. Wound healing is very much an art to me. In 2012, I completed HMDP on novel wound care techniques in diabetic limb salvage at Diabetic Foot Center in Instituto Clinico Citta Studi Milano, Italy. Subsequently, I embarked on Master of Nursing from the National University of Singapore in 2014 and became a full fledged Advanced Practice Nurse in Vascular in 2017.

Ms. Christina Loh
(Committee Member)

Position Title: Vice President (Director of Nursing)

Institution / Department: Allium Care Suites

Christina has many years of nursing experience both locally and internationally of which 21 years was in the private sector. She obtained her nursing studies and TESOL from Melbourne. During her employment, she performed the role of a Nursing Director from 2011. She served on 15 specific committee appointed by MOH (Oversight of Healthcare committee) and AIC such as Manpower Committee in the community care sector of the healthcare setting and member of National ACP steering committee.
She received the following awards throughout her nursing career.

  1. The Intermediate and Long-Term Care (ILTC) excellence Gold Award, October 2014
  2. The honour ‘Serving Sister of St. John’ from Her Majesty the Queen on 4th January 2012
  3. The Merit Award from Singapore Medical Association for contribution to the community, 2010
  4. Nurse’s Merit Award, Ministry of Health,1994
  5. Nurse’s Merit Award, Thomson Medical Centre, a 120 bedded Women and Children Hospital, 1985

She was inspired to actively drive changes in the healthcare sector, inculcating values and capability building to achieve Service Excellence. Appointed as Associate Trainer for Healthcare Leadership College, 2012-2014 and has facilitated in the delivery of Nursing DIY, a Nursing Leadership Programme. She participated actively in representing Singapore on mission trips to various countries such Israel, Nepal, India, Vietnam, Thailand, China & Mauritius for 25 years and she rendered services in nursing education, wound care, nutrition needs and palliative care in the community. She laid the foundation for End-of-life care in the Nursing Homes. She reads, write and structured changes for improvements, in each organisation. She has written 20 healthcare training programmes for Singapore since 2003.

She performed the role of an internal auditor or Singapore Nurses Association and currently is a member, Board of Director with Sigma Eta Tau International; Upsilon Eta Chapter.

Ms. Goh Wee Ting
(Committee Member)

Position Title: Nurse Clinician

Institution / Department: Singapore General Hospital (SGH)

Wee Ting graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore (NYP) in 2008 and started her career in Singapore General Hospital (SGH) till current. Over the years, she has gained her experience working at varies department, including Orthopaedics surgery, General surgery, Renal Medicine and Renal Transplant department. In 2015, she attained her Bachelor in Nursing followed by Graduate Diploma in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing in 2018.

She was the ward resource person and wound care champion before she joined Speciality Nursing in Wound Care Team. She is actively involved in teaching, including SGH Basic and Intermediate Wound Management, and NYP Advance Diploma programmes in Wound Assessment and Management. She is also an invited speaker for overseas training in China, by Temasek Foundation International – Singhealth Nursing Programme, since 2019.

She is a member of World Council of Enterostomal Therapists and a committee member of Wound Healing Society Singapore.

Ms. Sumathi Sagayamary D/O Lourdusamy
(Committee Member)

Position Title: Advanced Practise Nurse/Nurse Clinician

Institution / Department: Sengkang General Hospital

Sumathi graduated as a State Registered Nurse in 1987 and has practiced widely in public and private hospitals for the last 35 years. She specialized in Medical Surgical Nursing in 1994 and Wound and Ostomy Nursing in 1996.

She pursued and obtained her Bachelor in Health Sciences, Nursing in 2006. She is trained in Vascular Nursing. In 2013 she graduated from her Master of Nursing (NUS) followed by APN certification in 2015.

Currently practicing as a breast care nurse specialist in SKH.

Leni Fernandez (WOCN)
(Committee Member)

Position Title: Nurse Clinician

Institution / Department: Sengkang General Hospital